As a Treasury Manager at BMW, Anjeline has spent over 12 years working in different departments of the company. She enjoys supporting and collaborating with others to ensure achievement of goals and desired outcomes in the most efficient and effective way. Anjeline values the company as a place where she can grow personally and professionally. The opportunity to change departments within BMW and the presence of good leaders are reasons why she stays at BMW.

She wants to show the younger generation that success is achievable through hard work and dedication. Anjeline takes pride in being able to share her experiences and values, motivating others to give their best as well.

"One legendary moment of working at BMW was my first business trip to Munich for a reporting conference. It was a very fulfilling trip, not only gaining business insights but also meeting my counterparts in person, putting a face to the name help to strengthen bonds and foster stronger working relations. Another key highlight was visiting the BMW plant, walking through the highly sophisticated process of how cars were being assembled by incorporating automated production lines with the advance technology. Not forgetting the iconic place BMW Museum, providing comprehensive overview of BMW’s history and heritage."

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