When we ask our colleagues what represents the DNA of BMW Group in France the most, they all answer: PASSION driven by our 5 values.
Our Culture & Values.
Our core values.

We seize opportunities and face change with boldness. We grow through our mistakes.

We act with complete objectivity and demonstrate a critical and constructive mindset. Integrity is the guiding principle in all our actions.

We make consistent decisions and personally take responsibility for them. This creates opportunities for us to act with an entrepreneurial spirit.

We rely on each other. This is the condition to move forward quickly and achieve our goals.

We question ourselves and demonstrate mutual respect and honesty in our feedback. We recognize the performance of each individual.
Our Engagement and Responsibility.

The BMW Group has committed to achieving the 1.5°C target set by the Paris Climate Agreement. We showcase the ecological footprint of our vehicles through the measurement of CO₂e (carbon dioxide equivalent), which standardizes the climate impact of different greenhouse gases such as methane. And we continuously work towards reducing this impact. Even before a BMW takes its first meter, and even beyond its usage.
Within BMW Group, we see diversity as a strength. We bring different perspectives, experiences, and skills to our daily work, thus enhancing our innovation capacity. We raise awareness among our employees and managers through training and conferences. We encourage diversity and equal opportunities from recruitment to the development of each employee.

BMW Group France is also committed to promoting and facilitating the personal engagement of its employees around CSR initiatives. It encourages a community of CSR ambassadors to convey, federate, and co-design responsible initiatives of BMW Group France.