Ruby, Indirect Purchasing Assistant Apprentice at BMW Group UK, Farnborough

The best way to learn is to broaden your experiences.

Even though I applied to go away to university after finishing my A Levels, I didn’t feel ready to commit to studying full-time. I knew there were plenty of other opportunities out there that would allow me to learn and try something completely different. That’s why I applied to a degree apprenticeship here at BMW Group’s Farnborough location. 

My role as an Indirect Purchasing Assistant can be quite varied. It entails purchasing and procurement for all BMW Group UK entities, such as MINI, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, as well as BMW. For me, it’s the perfect balance between learning in a high-level educational facility and gaining experience of working life. 

It’s refreshing to work in an environment and industry that is completely new. It was quite daunting at first but getting to grips with unfamiliar processes and mastering them after a few weeks is exactly the kind of job I craved before finishing my A Levels. You’re constantly learning something new and improving your skills. 

A proud moment for me was being involved in the process to select a supplier to create a new, cutting-edge system on one of our production lines. The innovation behind the technology used to create the system is fascinating. To be involved in this process during my apprenticeship has been a real privilege.

BMW Group are always providing us with opportunities to make the most of our best attributes. I can speak Spanish, so the chance to travel to other BMW Group facilities throughout Europe later in the apprenticeship was another aspect that encouraged me to apply. They’re keen for you to get involved with whatever you’re most drawn to. 


Indirect Purchasing Assistant, BMW Group UK, Farnborough

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