MINI Plant Oxford, situated just off the Oxford ring road approximately three miles from the city centre, is home to more than 3,100 BMW Group associates. The plant represents the final destination in the manufacturing journey of a new MINI.

Inside the bright and airy assembly spaces, robot arms twist and turn dexterously – bringing together the parts produced at BMW Group Plant Hams Hall and BMW Group Plant Swindon. Each car is manufactured to individual customer specifications, and hundreds of MINIs leave the plant’s assembly lines each day. The Oxford plant incorporates cutting edge car-making technology. Alongside a state-of-the-art Body Shop, the plant also has a bespoke training facility – used primarily for Apprentices. It enables the company to tailor the education of our Apprentices, both academic and practical, to better match the needs of the business in the future.

Page Overview: Apprenticeship location Oxford