Employees of the BMW Group Plant Debrecen who reside outside the administrative area of Debrecen are eligible for commuting assistance. For commuting by private vehicle, 30 HUF / km is reimbursed, while for public transportation, 100% of the cost of the pass or ticket is reimbursed, up to a maximum of 56,240 HUF / month.

Commuting allowance and public transportation options.
Traveling from Debrecen.
From Debrecen, public transport buses operated by DKV Zrt. run on three routes. These routes facilitate commuting to shifts and the office environment. These buses can be used with a local pass or ticket.

The buses marked with "A" travel on a shortened route, directly arriving at the communication center. Buses numbered 71, 72, and 73 serve the northern part of the BMW Group Plant Debrecen, facilitating access to Gate 6 and several technological buildings. Schedules and further information can be found on the DKV Zrt. website.
Traveling from the region.
To assist with daily commuting from the region, there are several direct routes to the BMW Group Plant Debrecen. These routes have been developed and are continuously improved in cooperation with our colleagues to meet the needs of our employees.

Scheduled buses travel directly from major cities in the region to the plant on the following routes. These buses can be used with a valid County or National pass, or a ticket, which are covered by our commuting assistance.
- Route 4570: Nyíregyháza – Újfehértó – Téglás – Debrecen, North-Western Industrial Park
- Route 4571: Nyírbátor – Nyírbogát – Nyíradony – Debrecen, North-Western Industrial Park
- Route 4572: Létavértes – Hosszúpályi – Mikepércs – Debrecen, North-Western Industrial Park
- Route 4573: Berettyószentmárton – Berettyóújfalu – Debrecen, North-Western Industrial Park
The schedules are aligned with working hours. More information can be found on the Volánbusz Zrt. website.

Currently, it is possible to approach via train on two routes using the scheduled services of MÁV.
- Line 105: Nyírábrány – Vámospércs – Nagycsere – Debrecen – Macs Industrial Park
- Line 108: Füzesabony – Tiszafüred – Hortobágy – Balmazújváros – Macs Industrial Park
From the Macs Industrial Park stop, several internal bus services aligned with train arrivals can take you to the factory. Further information can be found on the MÁV Zrt. website.

To align with our work schedule, we operate several regional routes with buses run by our partners, which are not part of public services and can only be used by our colleagues. These services are free of charge.
- Miskolc – BMW Group Plant Debrecen: Direct bus service for the most efficient travel.
- Tiszaújváros – Polgár – Görbeháza – BMW Group Plant Debrecen
- Karcag – Püspökladány – Kaba – Hajdúszoboszló – Ebes – BMW Group Plant Debrecen
Pre-registration is required for these routes, which is only available to our colleagues. Further information about these services can be provided during the job interview or through our recruitment contacts.