We are constantly developing our tools and standards and dealing with regulatory issues, trends and innovations. That way, we also know what the future holds for us.
Specialist Sustainability Real Estate Planning

What is your job about?
In my work, I support and accompany construction projects in the field of sustainability in the regions APAC, Americas, EMEA and Germany. Together with my colleagues, we make sustainability measurable and support the projects with regard to their sustainability goals. That's why we are constantly developing our tools and standards and dealing with issues such as regulations, trends and innovations. That way, we also know what the future holds for us.

How does your work contribute to the BMW Group's sustainability goals?
Derived from the BMW sustainability strategy (reduction of CO2 emissions, water consumption and energy consumption per vehicle), the construction projects are also subject to a target image with these 3 measurable key topics. In order to realise these goals in our construction projects, we work with the project team to develop a cost-optimised set of measures to implement the sustainability aspects. This could be, for example, the use of highly efficient heat recovery or measures for utilising service water. With our tools, such as our 'sustainable building' monitoring tool and an assessment report, we accompany the projects and monitor the measures as the project progresses.

What does sustainability mean to you personally?
For me, sustainability means the balanced interaction of different dimensions (ecological, economic and social sustainability), each of which stands alone in the traditional sense. A sustainable life that fulfils all three dimensions leads to stable, future-proof and therefore sustainable results. A life that can be lived in the long term. For me personally, a work-life balance, a balanced diet and regular exercise are also part of a sustainable lifestyle.

What is your idea of a sustainable world?
The air is fresher. Life is healthier, longer, more relaxed, more exciting, and more enjoyable. Our diet is more varied, tastier, and more balanced. We go out more, both socially and physically. We are better connected with the people around us and have a sense of global community. For me, a sustainable world also means: a world in which the next generations have at least the same living conditions as we have – if possible, even better ones.

Have you always been interested in the topic of sustainability?
I came into contact with the topic of "energy" at an early age. I found the question of how to convert energy efficiently very exciting. My interest in the interaction of various factors in the conversion of energy came a little later and was ultimately one of the reasons I decided to study renewable energies.



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