Aerial view of the BMW Group Plant Eisenach.
Aerial view of the BMW Group Plant Eisenach.

Our plant in Eisenach – Small but mighty.

Eisenach is our smallest but most traditional plant. Here, around 280 colleagues produce pressing tools and large exterior car body parts for our vehicles. Our colleagues need to work with exacting precision to produce device components and assembly units for our highly automated production facilities, and in so doing, they uniquely combine tradition with the future.

As Plant Eisenach focuses especially on tool design and construction as well as on mechanical production, industrial mechanics, toolmakers and cutting machine operators are at home here. They either bring their expertise and skills to the table or are already trained on site by us.

The town of Eisenach and its surroundings, also has a lot to offer. On a walk through the woods you can discover sites such as the Wartburg castle, which is one of the most significant restored castles in Germany, the Dragon Gorge with its rare plants, the Elfengrotte as well as the Elias cave.

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