Sustainability is leading the industry, and thus also our company. So, I personally truly believe that sustainability is our leading topic in the future.
Head of Sustainability Design
Das Bild zeigt Daniela Leiterin Nachhaltigkeit Design bei der BMW Group

What is your job about? 
Well, my job is about a lot of strategy work. I am working in the area of design where I work closely together with all our designers in order to drive sustainability. I receive the targets from the BMW Group’s strategic department and my role is then to interpret those into design.

Where do you see your topic go in the future?
I can see my topic going far beyond my personal imagination. Sustainability is leading the industry, and thus also our company. So, I personally truly believe that sustainability is our leading topic in the future.

What does sustainability mean to you?
Sustainability for me is an absolute attitude. It is nothing which you would just put on. So, I personally believe that my life and the lives of everybody will be enhanced through sustainability. Sustainability is a mindset. And it is not just something you can add. It is an attitude and it is conviction. I am convinced that if you are working in the field of sustainability, sustainability will become the leading topic also in your private life. So, it would be a contradiction if you really believe and put the company fast forward towards sustainability and personally, you are not following the path.

What is your idea of a sustainable world?
My idea of a sustainable world is that we all take care of the resources we use. We rethink our old habits and we question everything we do concerning a future of circular economy.

Have you always been paying attention to sustainability?
I guess I was paying attention to sustainability already when I was a kid. Thus, sustainability is nothing new. It is about taking care of the resources you use. It is about rethinking what you use and how you use it. And it is also about responsibility. A responsibility you want to take not only for yourself but also for your environment. And I think sustainability is something which is embedded in everybody of us. It is just something you have to pull out.


Video Insights from Daniela.

Daniela, Head of Sustainability Design BMW Group
Page Overview: Interview Daniela