Our Selection Criteria.

All in all, the personality of an applicant is the most important thing for us. We would like to recognize already on the basis of the application what distinguishes the respective person. We also like to see extraordinary hobbies, especially if they are related to the position applied for or to us as a company. 

However, a few basic requirements play a role in the applicant pre-selection:

  • The grades achieved at school and university influence who we pre-select to a certain extent, but they are not the only factor.
  • Relevant work experience, e.g. from prior employment, internships, etc. is highly relevant. Here it is important to enclose any corresponding proof of employment.
  • Very good knowledge of the languages German and English are required for most positions. Depending on the nature of the position, additional language skills may be required.
  • Experience abroad is advantageous, and may even be mandatory for certain jobs of an international nature.
  • The curriculum vitae should be complete.
  • We will not consider incomplete or incorrect applications. All documents required in the job advertisement must be included.
  • We will also exclude any applications where false information has deliberately been stated e.g. untruthful indication of better grades.

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Page Overview: Popup Application Tips Selection Criteria