Especially in the area of new technologies, our factory always has its nose in the wind, which I find particularly exciting.
Trainer in the field of Metal
A friendly smiling trainer in the field of metal


In addition to my function as a trainer in the metal sector, I am also the supervisor of the industrial mechanics and the deaf apprentices. I have been a trainer at the BMW Group for 20 years and was able to gain initial experience in the field of training in my previous job as a "trainer on the job". That is how it happened that 20 years ago I was invited to the selection day for trainers and began my journey at the BMW Group.

Since all apprentices are taken on after their apprenticeship if they perform well, we pay special attention to our junior staff. In addition to teaching technical content, the personal development of our apprentices is also a top priority. Since 2002, I have been able to experience various changes at the Leipzig plant, which constantly present new tasks and challenges and allow the plant to grow. Especially in the area of new technologies, our plant always has its nose in the wind, which I find particularly exciting.

I know that choosing a career and a company to train in is a big and important decision. You should be aware of that so that you are not disappointed later. That is why I can only recommend that you inform yourself extensively so that you can make an informed career decision. It is also very important for me to know why you have chosen a certain profession and why you have chosen us as your apprenticeship company during our selection interviews.

Page Overview: Popup Stefan